Sunday, February 28, 2016


I decided to watch Hamlet. My wife who has actually read the story warned me about it. As it is written in old english. My first question is, was this the way they spoke back then or is it poetry for their time?
I watched the Mel Gibson 1990 movie. I love the old Mel Gibson action movies so I figured he could get me through it.
It left me waiting for the young Mel Gibson to beat the crap out of somebody. It reminded me that the stories told then where just that, stories. They weren't movies filed with the fluff of special effects and fast pace of today.
Hamlet also has many phrases that echo even today in movies, stories, and quotes that one might say from time to time.
It takes some time to try to decipher the language. That in it in itself takes some concentration. It was impressive to see how the story unfolded without the crazy pace of todays stories. I can see it retold again and again timeless. I can see why it is timeless. Loss of family, grieving of the loss, the search for the cause, denial, anger, revenge, love, betrayal, an affair, and murder.
Toward the beginning of the last quarter of the story is the only time people start to die. This is normal for a climax placement in a story.
The King which is the prior Kings brother who killed him.  Turns Hamlets brother against Hamlet
The final scenes are of Hamlets battle with his brother. They duel with swords.
The King poisons some wine meaning to give it to Hamlet. Hamlet does not except and Hamlets mother ends up drinking the poisoned drink.
Once she feels the effects of the poison she realizes it was from the drink which comes full circle to how the original king was killed. Hamlets brother coated his weapon with poison and cut Hamlets arm. Hamlet intern takes the same blade piercing his brothers chest. After his mother dies Hamlet kills the King forcing him to drink the poison and then Hamlet dies.
The whole blood line is lost.
Awesome ending...
Murder Death Kill!!!

In the movie we saw in class. Don't remember the name but it was a great alternative perspective to the play. A point of view from the perspective of two supporting actors in the play. It nice to approach the story. To make a person revisit the story.

Monday, February 22, 2016

In class writing about Stories

First Question.
How do I relate to these characters? Not sure if that was the question but...
The cultural aspect of these stories are reflected. Religion, wealth, poverty, art, and family.
All of them have there own perspective of what I see as the lower economic level or poor. Not saying it is a bad thing to be at this socioeconomic level but the reading give us an personal look as to the internal struggles within this class.

Beliefs of the stories. Guiding beliefs of the stories read.
The guiding beliefs or idea about the stories.
Umm... yeah.... The beliefs that I found in the story is that of hope. There is hope in the stories I read that a particular group of people strive for their goals and or hopes to live a better life even if they do not themselves think that their lives are bad. It is only the spoiled western reader that might perceive their reality as horrible and poor.

What are the strategies to convey the world of the short story?
The strategy used in DewBreaker, first story, is the family bond. Most of anyone who does have an intact family can connect to the love within a family. She uses the main character to breakdown and revile details about the father in the story. Interesting because they are in Florida for the daughter to sell a sculpture. But the story is not about that at all. It's about the how much the character loves her father who is missing in the first half of the story but shows up later.
I can relate because I too have a daughter and son that I would do anything for.

How are the characters connected to the world of the story?
Theu are the products of their environment. "Dew Breaker" and "Hitting Buddapest" is about a group or couple of people out of their element or their world. They are aliens within a different environment struggling to understand it and survive.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hitting Budapest

So, some confusion reading this one. I start skimming this one and the character refers to another as "Bastard" which I am just thinking is a man who she dislikes.

 She is Pregnant and then starts to talk to this character about it but then he asks her kid questions like how the baby got into her belly. So this confused me...

The discussion of whether it is a boy or girl reveals the old school thinking behind pregnancy. "The first one is supposed to be a boy." and that boys kick and hit in the whom where as a girl does not.

The names in this just confuses the junk out of me especially when I am multitasking when reading this... I have a family you know.

The character dreams of a big house in Budapest which tells me that they are not well off.
They meet up with a thin woman that is probably a tourist. Stuffing her mouth with food with a camera in hand. The other characters are unfamiliar with what it is so they are ignorant to the technology.
The thin lady throws what is left over of her food away which shocks the other characters as they have never seen anyone throw food away before.

It is finally reviled that the main character is 33 yrs old and the others are a bunch of kids. Bastard is eleven. So now it all makes sense.
Details about pooping.... OK these people are dirt poor. They go outside to squat.

End notes: It's a story about people who live a simple life. Although they are poor or seem poor, they are used to it. Not saying that it's not a bad thing but when you live without, without knowing that there is so much more you don't notice. The only thing that is concerning is food water and shelter. Everything else is fluff.

Reflections on recent materials

In class we brought up all the stories recently read and they all have a common theme. Women's rights. In the time that all these stories were written women's rights was a huge issue. It still is an issue today but the people that wrote these stories were ground breakers. They helped pave the path for the women today. They paved the path for my wife and my daughter. My wife helped me realize that.
I really do complain when reading these assignments. To the point that I will try to find them all in audiobook form. Now that my wife has reminded me that this literature effects my daughter I now have a different mindset when reading.
So.. on to the next story.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

"The Story of an Hour" Kate Chopin

The story of a frail old woman with a heart problem who's family is concerned. Concerned because her husband has been killed in an accident. The family are afraid to deliver the news in fear that it will kill her. They do tell her ultimately and she then goes to her room. There she goes through the stages of depression and grief while staring out her bedroom window. She is sad and grieving, then she feels empty, then she feels acceptance, then the happy positive possibilities of the future.
This is an old story about an old woman in a society that is run by men. Her life with her husband although not bad is now free from any and all control. So she realizes that she is now "Free" She now doesn't have to appease him anymore.
When she leaves the room with her sister happy feeling independent and strong looking forward to her new future without her husband.
As she comes down the stair case her husband turns up at the front door perfectly fine and was not involved in the thought accident.
The woman sees him and has a heart attack and dies.
Does she die from the happiness brought by her husband alive or by the sadness that she will never be able to live out the fantasy she conjured up of her new independent life?


I think the latter.

"A Good Man is Hard the Find" Flannery O'Conner

A Story about a Grandmother of yesterday. My grandmother may have had a mother or grandmother just like this one.
Place is Georgia. Time is probably the 50's or 60's. Racism is very apparent toward black people. The grandmother is a white woman from what I gather. She is not aware how bad she sounds when describing things. It was just her upbringing.
The dreaded road trip with grandma in the back seat. The cat naps, old time talk, and the unexplained diarrhea of the mouth.
Grandma convinces her family to take a detour to one off her old stomping grounds which she later realizes she was mistaken and they were in the wrong state from her memory. Traveling down the dirt road into what seemed to be know where they get into a car crash roll over and everyone survives.
A man stops to "aid" them. Turns out he is a character from the grandmothers past.???

To be honest.. I don't know what happened.
A Bobby Lee entered the picture at sometime and now I am thinking it was all planned by the family.
Not sure..
The Misfit is the man she might have had a past with and he ultimately kills the old woman.
Bobby Lee is happy she is dead and... the end.
The writing could be clearer about the characters presented. I don't know who Bobby Lee is?


Grandmas dead anyway.

"Where Are You Going Where Have You Been" Joyce Carol Oates

Bad GIRL! A tease.
I hope my daughter doesn't turn out like the main character in this.
I am pretty sure she won't. Why? Because my daughter has me.
This girl doesn't seem to have a father. Her name is Connie.
Her rebellion personality , I believe, is the manifestation of the dull and damning lifestyle of her mother. Her mother hates that Connie is good looking and catches the eye of the boys. Connie is upset that her sister who is not a looker is treated better. At least in her eyes.  It sounds like there is no father figure in the picture. The lack of a father figure forces her to find attention from the boys. This makes her an easy target that teenage boy hope for.
She is a daydreamer that dreams about boys, fun, and parties all the time.
She has a double life. In her mothers company she looks, acts and dresses one way. When she is out with her friends she looks, acts and dresses another way. I understand that this is normal for a teenage girl to do.  I still do believe that the story would change greatly if there was a loving father figure in the picture.

The story goes on to describe an encounter she has with a new young boy she meets. An encounter that doesn't go as planned.

It's the same story told again and again about girls who are careless and free with the boys. They eventually land one that turns them into the typical white trash lifestyle living int a trailer with a bunch of dirty kids running around with a PittBull chained up in the front.

Story is not my kind of story....

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Grand Budapest Hotel

I haven't seen the movie in a while.
It's not on Netflix Instant stream so I am going from memory.
The connection I can see between Stefan Zweig and the Movie is that the movie takes place in the time frame of Zweig's stories and they all hit on Love, Loss, and Death.
The movie was entertaining and kept me following because of the dark comedy and striking visuals.
Zweig's writings, not so much.
I really liked the prison characters. The shirtless old guy with twitchy muscles was a great character that stuck with me.... yeah...
Sorry, not much more for me to write about on this literature besides I didn't really like it due to the subject matter. I do not like close to reality stories. I guess this is because the life I have lived has been filled with traumatic real stories that I chose not to relive. If I have a choice in reading and watching I chose fantasy. It's better for my Psyche. Otherwise I find myself rehashing old traumatic memories.
 My Past: Combat Search and Rescue and Firefighter Paramedic

This is why I choose fantasy.

Stefan Zweig Stories

After spending time trying to find some free audiobooks on this author...I found none that we were to read on the list... I finally dredged through my first story by this author.

Forgotten Dreams.
Just to let you know I am not one to read any material like this and it was painful for me to skim through. Yes there is an art and talent to writing literature. There also is an art and relent to writing code for computers... 

This story, I think is about lost love and what could have been in the eyes of a woman. It went into great depth in the females perspective describing a tall dark and handsome man that she finds out is married? I think. Anyway she is depressed at the end. On to the next story.


In the Snow

This one I was able to slow down a bit. It caught my interest.

Why? A peaceful German town settles down for a night of jubilation celebrating Chanuka. It turns out that they are all Jews. There is a man who rushes into the town aggressively at first. You don't know if he is friend or foe. He comes to a home and then we find out he is a fiancee that has come to warn everyone about a group of flagellants coming there way which are " are practitioners of an extreme form of mortification of their own flesh by whipping it with various instruments." After that quite frankly I started skimming. The story started spinning it's wheels speaking about things too much in depth and they lost me. They spoke about fleeing to Poland and by the end I found it was a commentary about the genocide done to the jews by the Nazis. I think. anyway on to one more story...

The Star Above the Forest

Man. Stefan does a lot of writing about love, love lost, lose of life/ death, massacres. The influence of World War 1 and 2 are definitely apparent in his writings. This experience gives his stares a dark undertone. I still had to skim though. 

This story.. Love lost. At the end one star above the forest reminds her of her loneliness...