Sunday, March 20, 2016

Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare

Act 3 scene 1...
or any of these for that matter.
As a Director, how could I make this understandable to todays public?
Not sure... I don't understand it.
So first what I would do as a Director is find someone that could break these scenes down for me that understands Shakespeare.
After that I would go about translating it to a langauge of todays understanding.
I would then understand what the heck was going on and I could keep it close to the original play.

If I was a Set Designer or Costume Designer.
It would depend on when I have the story take place.
I could have it modern day with modern cloths and backdrop. OR
I could flash it back to a time closer to Shakespeare's time which would entail a lot of research on the structures land clothing worn during the day.

My wife says that there is a good movie adaption of this play made back in 1993. It wasn't an instant play on Netflix so I couldn't watch it.

Basically do your homework if you want to recreate any of Shakespeare's  plays.

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