Monday, March 28, 2016

Punch Drunk Love, Paul Thomas Anderson

Ok Just started this movie.
I whose it because I am an Adam Sandler fan.
I am 15 min in and I have no idea what is happening due to the triply nature of the film.
So far I gather that Sandler's character is stuck in a boring monotonous job where nothing exactly happens. So the arrival of a mysterious piano like device strikes him like witnessing a Motor vehicle roll over crash.
AND next day their is a woman that enters his life by dropping off her car for vehicle repair and walking off in the distance?
He has a group of bitch sisters that have tormented his life since he was little.
He finally shows up to a family get together with his sisters. You can tell he is pressured into doing it and doesn't want to be there.
We quickly learn why. All his sisters constantly make fun of him.
He snaps, smashing 3 sliding glass doors.
I would have done that too.

So, I restarted the movie with my wife. This helped me out because it gave me a chance to figure out the beginning again.
This movie is the type of movie you almost have to see a couple of times to understand it.
My wife being a school teacher quickly pointed out that Sandlers character is definitely on the spectrum of mental disorders. I totally agree with her. That combined with a bunch of criticizing horrible sisters makes a constant stressful situation any day they are involved with him. He dreads it.

The Voice of this story.
This is the first Paul Thomas Anderson I have seen but it it quite diffent than other movies.
There is a constant tension in this movie and at moments sidetracks into the characters imagination within the current reality. For example the Harmin piano thing. Right before you see the thing dropped off he watches vehicles approach while he is street side. One vehicle suddenly turns flipping about 5 times but leaves the frame as a van comes screaming in in the foreground to drop off the piano. I took the scene as if the event of a van coming out of nowhere to drop this thing off in Berry's (Sandlers charcter) monotonous life was just like witnessing a horrific car crash.

This movie lived in Berry's head. Occasionally tripping out in psychedelic colors as a reflection of his mood.

Moral of the story?
Mentally challenged people are people too and they are extremely smart. They just process things differently. Oh, and if your going to piss one off? Expect an overreaction response since they do process things differently.

Overall, I liked the film. A take of two on the spectrum people who find love in each other.
Oh, and Adam Sandler kicks some ass which is always entertaining.

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