Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stefan Zweig Stories

After spending time trying to find some free audiobooks on this author...I found none that we were to read on the list... I finally dredged through my first story by this author.

Forgotten Dreams.
Just to let you know I am not one to read any material like this and it was painful for me to skim through. Yes there is an art and talent to writing literature. There also is an art and relent to writing code for computers... 

This story, I think is about lost love and what could have been in the eyes of a woman. It went into great depth in the females perspective describing a tall dark and handsome man that she finds out is married? I think. Anyway she is depressed at the end. On to the next story.


In the Snow

This one I was able to slow down a bit. It caught my interest.

Why? A peaceful German town settles down for a night of jubilation celebrating Chanuka. It turns out that they are all Jews. There is a man who rushes into the town aggressively at first. You don't know if he is friend or foe. He comes to a home and then we find out he is a fiancee that has come to warn everyone about a group of flagellants coming there way which are " are practitioners of an extreme form of mortification of their own flesh by whipping it with various instruments." After that quite frankly I started skimming. The story started spinning it's wheels speaking about things too much in depth and they lost me. They spoke about fleeing to Poland and by the end I found it was a commentary about the genocide done to the jews by the Nazis. I think. anyway on to one more story...

The Star Above the Forest

Man. Stefan does a lot of writing about love, love lost, lose of life/ death, massacres. The influence of World War 1 and 2 are definitely apparent in his writings. This experience gives his stares a dark undertone. I still had to skim though. 

This story.. Love lost. At the end one star above the forest reminds her of her loneliness...

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