Sunday, January 31, 2016

True Grit Part 2

So I accidentally watched Rooster Cogburn the sequel to True Grit version with John Wayne.
I originally thought all of this stated bellow because I thought I was watching True Grit:
My notes:
1. The focus is completely on Cogburns character. It is from his point of view.
2. Mattie isn't even in this version.
3. The story revolves around a load of Nitroglycerine reaching its destination NOT Matties revenge for her fathers murder.
4. A Father does get killed. A preacher. No kids. But him and a nun were preaching to native american kids at a time where a bad guy Hawk and his gang kills the preacher and others.
5. So this nun and native american kid go with Cogburn because Cogburn is bringing them in in addition to the Nitro payload.
6. Cogburn briefly refers to Ned Pepper and his gang from the book. Telling an old story to the boy and giving him a revolver in the same way he tried to give Mattie the revolver. Which in the book she refused because she had her fathers revolver.


Now I know that I just need to see part 1 of the series again. It's late.. I watched the wrong movie..
So I watched a few clips of the right movie and it looks as if it follows the same plot as the book..
Again... tired
Another night maybe

True Grit Part 1

The story Of True Grit.
By Charles Portis published in 1968.
I first heard of True Grit through my father growing up as a kid. He was a huge John Wayne fan... Huge fan along with my grandmother and grandfather. So we used to watch all the John Wayne movies that came out. I saw True Grit as a kid but being a kid there was a miss in translation. I just saw the classic stud John Wayne playing the character he had always played in movies. Only At the end I remembered that he Rooster Cogburn dies. That stuck with me. "John Wayne isn't supposed to die in movies!" Anyway, now I have this literature as an assignment.
I listened to Audio book while sculpting.
Luckily I listened to a good portion of it before it was blocked by You Tube for Copy write violation. This literature is from the point of Mattie. I have heard from different sources that this was pretty ground breaking in the way Portis accomplished this point of view.
It give the read a great insight into Mattie's character.
A head strong young girl that was out of her realm trying to avenge her fathers death by hunting down his killer to have him go before a judge for the murder of her father. Or kill him.
I found that she was quite a bit more educated than the average male characters she ran into. But she lacked experience needed to truly survive in the world she lived in. She was sheltered in a small town.
Of course I love the character Rooster Cogburn. He's an old cowboy that does things his way to get things done the way he sees they need to be done. He also does have a huge heart. It's just he has a bad reputation for killing all the men he is sent to retrieve for trial. Not his fault if they all attack him first. He is just forced to protect himself.
So I made it through a good portion of the book.
I have seen the old John Wayne version probably around 25 to 30 years ago.
I saw the Jeff Bridges version a couple years ago which I enjoyed a lot. The casting of the characters was great.
I will now go back and watch the John Wayne version again then post a part 2.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Longest

I was conned into watching the adapted movie version of "The Longest Ride." Yes, I'm not much of a choice sometimes. Makes me a better man. Nicholas Sparks wrote the original book which I occasionally picked up to see what my wife was reading. Interesting cowboy story.
It was alright. I enjoyed the Alan Alda character, Ira Levenstien. It reminded me of how lucky my wife and I are in the fact that his character and wife could not have children due to a war injury he received during World War 2. I find myself able to connect to characters that have had some experience in the military.

Coming from a California hick town I also understood the main character played by Clint Eastwood's son. Don't remember his name. I will call him The Cowboy. He was a bull rider. He rode bulls for the adrenaline rush of it even though he had brain damage from a ride in the opening scene of the movie. His excuse was to help keep his moms ranch going financially. I never rode but I knew people who did. I was addicted to adrenaline and used the military to satisfy that addiction.

Back to the movie. The main man mets a girl who become friends fall in love and he rides the bull that destroyed him in the beginning of the movie and they live happily ever after. Normal ending.. but there was a nice twist of Alan Alda's character. He passes away at the end then leaving his priceless art collection his wife collected to the Cowboy. Millions.
The movie was tolerable. Now I get a Sci Fi movie.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Pride and Prejudice Part 3 Zombies

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

OK...Well the focus of this version shifts around with more focus on other characters other than Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bennet is a much more significant character. He is not passive like in the original version. Responsible for raising his daughters in the day of the "unmentionables" or zombies. All of Mr Bennett's daughters are much more durable and dominant as compared to the first version.

Mr. Darcy character is a lot less dominant. Although it was said that he was a great warrior against the zombies, Mr. Bennett's daughters seem to be much more formidable worriers.
I can't say I liked this version more. I do like how the girls are deadly and take care of their own.
This is still a slow building romance between Elizabeth and Darcy.

The Zombies I noticed seem to feel pain which was interesting but they are dead. But this gave the human warrior characters like the Bennet girl all the more more savage. They had no mercy. In all it is just in a modern day zombie apocalypse story where only the strong survive thrown into the 1700's.

Is it worth reading? For and Adult male in his late 30's who loves fantasy and Science fiction I would say to check it out when it is adapted to film. Not in the theatre, not a rental, but an instant play.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Pride and Prejudice Part 2

So I finally watched the second half with the wife. Perfect movie for Married couples. Guy gets in a Science fiction Action Movie then woman gets something like Pride and Prejudice. It's a give and take. Ya know?

So what I knew was going to happen did at the end with the main characters Darcy and Elizabeth. They were hitched. What I didn't expect was most of the sisters marrying others. I think it was Lydia? Anyway her getting hitched to ol dirt bag Wickham was a surprise.

It was nice to see the strong headed young Elizabeth give the old Lady Cathrine De Bourge what she deserved. She ultimately kicked her out and letting her know that she had no bearing on decisions concerning her and Darcy.

Happy ending for all. Very glad that Elizabeth made her old man so proud and happy at the end. I personally thought that was the most satisfying for me. I suppose since I have a daughter of my own who will probably marry some day.

On to the Zombies...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Pride and Prejudice Part 1

So this is Part one of my Pride an Prejudice Blog

Pride and Prejudice a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813

I originally chose to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for this blog.

My wife, that apparently minored in Lit, suggested watching the movie before the Literature because she stated that it is a very hard book to follow due to the old language used in it. So, I will first watch the movie then read the Zombie version.

I do understand that this book was a huge step for the Women's rights struggle and it opened peoples eyes and minds about the plight that women faced back then which in all reality this struggle continues today in some ways.

So, I am a late 30's man with a Military Special Operations, Police, and Firefighter Unga background watching I chose the Joe Wright 2005 movie with Keira Knightley.

Keira Knightley and Donald Sutherland playing Mr. Bennett made it bearable for me.

I am currently half way in the movie in 3 days if this gives any bearing of how much I enjoy the movie.

The story does give the insights to the glorious or inglorious past in human history. Set in England it shows the clash of classes and the struggle to maintain such bigoted values. Upper class are not to mingle with the poor but the Middle class struggles to sell off their daughters to ensure wealth within the family. Women didn't have much say as to who they were, what they did, or who to marry. The character Elizabeth hard headed nature goes against the thinking of the time.

She is in a constant struggle the whole movie trying to figure out the truth about two men she is fond of. Both men hate the other and tell her their side of the story as to why. At this moment I have the movie paused at this point.

Now there are other stories going on at the same time hers is in the background that echo the plight of women and what she is fighting against to be her own woman. Not a woman someone wants her to be.

It will be interesting to read some of Zombie version to see how this story gets twisted.

End part 1

Monday, January 11, 2016

Questions from Instructor


Instructor: "What is your lineage?"

This question can be taken in a couple different ways.
My mother researched a lot of our family tree history when I was young and up until recently I might have gone this route to describe my lineage.
Although this does have bearing of some of my personality and hard headedness as it was handed down for generations which I am very grateful for.
I do have native american in me, Russian, German, Scottish Irish, in other words a giant mutt of the human petri dish we call society.
I was brought up my a very stable family. Very pride full family that taught hard work, truthfulness, faith and religion will get you through life. I took these lessons and flew the coop to for my own reality if you will in my life.
After battling it out within myself to dig deep and fly the coop and experience the world or stay in a beautiful area I know and love in California I enlisted into the USAF.
I enlisted to become a USAF Pararescueman (Special Operations Combat Search and Rescue). Two grueling years of blood sweat and tears and the finest military schools pushed me through an 85% washout rate to become a Pararescueman. I continued another 4 yrs in the Pararescue field. My persistence pushed me through 12 Nasa launch Support missions, Operations Northern and Southern Watch and Operation Enduring Freedom. I later married and became a Firefighter Paramedic for 8 years before the Art bug deep inside me rose to the surface.

What is my lineage? Willfulness.... Determination.

Instructor: "Who are my influences?

My influences range from movies to dominant male and female figures in my life:

My Father
My Mother
My Brothers
My friends
Fellow Pararescueman
Fellow Firefighters
Lost Pararescueman
Lost  Firefighters
Lost friends
Lost family
Funny Movies
Cartoons(GI Joe, Transformers, TMNT, Heman)
1980's and 90's action Action and Scifi  Movies

Instructor "What is Your ideology?"

38 years of life.
6 yrs military and 8 yrs public service as careers in addition to having a family of wife and two children has formed me into the ever evolving person I am today.
Life is Short.
Go with the flow.
Don't take thing too seriously.
Do what it is you are passionate to do when you are at the passions peak.
Do it before you get too old or broken.
Do it before you have kids.
Do it before your kids grow too quickly.
DO NOT be the 80 yr old man who looks back and says I wish I would have done this when I had the chance.