Thursday, January 21, 2016

Pride and Prejudice Part 3 Zombies

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

OK...Well the focus of this version shifts around with more focus on other characters other than Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bennet is a much more significant character. He is not passive like in the original version. Responsible for raising his daughters in the day of the "unmentionables" or zombies. All of Mr Bennett's daughters are much more durable and dominant as compared to the first version.

Mr. Darcy character is a lot less dominant. Although it was said that he was a great warrior against the zombies, Mr. Bennett's daughters seem to be much more formidable worriers.
I can't say I liked this version more. I do like how the girls are deadly and take care of their own.
This is still a slow building romance between Elizabeth and Darcy.

The Zombies I noticed seem to feel pain which was interesting but they are dead. But this gave the human warrior characters like the Bennet girl all the more more savage. They had no mercy. In all it is just in a modern day zombie apocalypse story where only the strong survive thrown into the 1700's.

Is it worth reading? For and Adult male in his late 30's who loves fantasy and Science fiction I would say to check it out when it is adapted to film. Not in the theatre, not a rental, but an instant play.

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